Robert & Nicolette

July 26, 2025 • Aberdeen, SD
134 Days To Go!

Robert & Nicolette

July 26, 2025 • Aberdeen, SD
134 Days To Go!

Q + A

Have you booked hotel room blocks for guests?

Yes! While you are welcomed to stay anywhere, we recommend the Best Western Ramkota, as that is where the reception is held. There is also a great pool area for your children! Use code Schmidt-Beck Wedding to get a room under our block. PLEASE book by June 25th, 2025.

Can I take pictures during the ceremony?

Please refrain from using your phone or personal camera during the ceremony. We have an amazing photographer and videographer. We promise to post and send all the pretty, pretty pictures when we receive them. :)

Will the ceremony and reception be indoors or outdoors?

Both will be indoors!

What if I have specific questions?

Please reach out to Nikki or Robert and they will try their best to answer your question!

Do I get a plus one?

You are able to bring a plus one if indicated on your invitation or this website. If you have any questions, please ask!